Universität Wien

Master Philosophy and Economics (642)

040068 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) KU Applied Microeconomics (MA)
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180126 SE [de en] Subject Matter
180139 VO-L [en] What is Performance-Philosophy? - Introduction into Contemporary Aesthetics at the Cutting Edge of Philosophy an the Arts
180177 SE [en] (VOR-ORT) Analysis of Economic Concepts
040048 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Behavioral Decision Making (MA)
040243 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA)
180148 SE [en] (VOR-ORT) Practical Rationality
040040 UK [en] (VOR-ORT) Social Choice (MA)
040050 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Behavioral Welfare Economics (MA)
040013 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Financial History (MA)
040013 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Financial History (MA)
040256 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Panel Data Econometrics (MA)
040048 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Behavioral Decision Making (MA)
040066 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Game Theory (MA)
040243 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA)
040048 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Behavioral Decision Making (MA)
040243 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA)
040004 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Welfare Policies (MA)
040209 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Environmental Economics (MA)
040923 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Public Economics (MA)
040004 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Welfare Policies (MA)
040209 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Environmental Economics (MA)
040923 KU [en] (VOR-ORT) Public Economics (MA)

Letzte Änderung: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44