Electives, Individual Specialisation and Immersive Module

Below, you find information about the modules 7-17 in the BA Philosophy.

Electives/ Module 7-15

For the elective modules M-07 to M-15, the completion of the StEOP and the module M-02 is required.

There are nine pre-determined elective modules (M-07 to M-15). Out of these nine you have to choose three to complete. In order to complete a module, you can attend any of the courses eligable for the module, as determined by the course directory. Each module consists of 10 ECTS. At least one of the completed courses for each module has to be with continous assessment. The modules are:

  • M-07 Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Technology
  • M-08 Intercultural Philosophy, Non-European Philosophy 
  • M-09 Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Language
  • M-10 Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Ontology
  • M-11 Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Culture, Aesthetics
  • M-12 Ethics, Applied Ethics
  • M-13 Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory 
  • M-14 Contemporary Philosophy
  • M-15 Philosophy of Science

A list of all courses, along with information about which modules they are affiliated with, can be found at the course directory.

Individual specialization/ Module 16

Requirements for the mandatory module M-16 are completion of the StEOP and module M-02.

In order to complete M-16, simply choose any of the courses offered for the modules M-07 to M-15, totalling 15 ECTS.

Immersive Module/ Module 17

Requirments for the mandatory module M-17 are the completion of the StEOP and the Module M-02. 

In order to complete M-17 you have to choose 2 courses with continous assessment out of the courses listed for the modules M-07 to M-15. In each of these two courses you then write a bachelor's thesis. The for each bachelor's thesis you get an extra 5 ECTS, on top of the 5 ECTS for the "normal" completion of the course. Thus, there are 20 ECTS to be earned for module 17 in total.

Information regarding scope and formal structure of the bachelor's theses can be found under academic honesty and integrity