Public Presentations of Dissertations Concepts at the Faculty of Philosophy on November 9th, 2020


Due to COVID-19 via video conference

5:00 pm:  Inger Bakken Pedersen

Working title: Metaontology, Dependence and Epistemology in Mathematical Structuralism 

Supervisor: Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Georg Schiemer

5:30 pm: Henriikka Hannula

Working title: Wilhelm Dilthey and the Identity Crisis of Philosophy Historicism, Naturalism and Lebensphilosophie

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Kusch und Prof. Dr. Kristin Gjesdal

6:00 pm: non-public consultation of the Doctoral Advisory Board for Philosophy and subsequent announcement of their decision 

If you would like to attend the FÖP as a listener (possible if the internet connection is stable), please contact