SSC Philosophy Team
Group photo SSC-Team
For specific organizational or administrative questions and for submitting documents, please use the Servicedesk only.
For general inquiries, study advice or similar concerns, please contact us during telephone hours or come to our office hours. You can find all information about the appointments here.
SSC coordinator
Felix Danowski, B.A. M.A.
Contact information
Room number: B 0308
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7E-mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
General inquiries
Mirela Koleva, BA
Contact information
Room number: B 0306
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7Tel: +43-1-4277-46185
E-Mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Yara Katnik, BA BSc
- Recognitions
- Graduation passes MA Ethics
- B 0307, NIG, 3. Stock, 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7
- Please use the Servicedesk for your requests
Adrian Fleisch, BA
Contact information
Room number: B 0304
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7E-Mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Léah Maurer, BA
Contact information
Room number: B 0304
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7E-Mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Carina Winkelmüller
Office hours
For urgent matters please make an appointment.
Contact information
Room number: B 0302
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7
Tel: +43-1-4277-46 188E-Mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Curriculum planning
Felix Danowski, B.A. M.A.
Contact information
Room number: B 0308
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7E-mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Anita Hermann
Contact information
Room number: B 0302
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7
E-mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
Teacher's education programme Philosophy & Psychology
Doris Sterrer
Office hours
For urgent matters please make an appointment
Contact information
Room number: B 0309
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7
Tel: +43-1-4277-46 182E-mail: Please use the servicedesk for your requests
MEi:Cognitive Science
Mag.a Elisabeth Zimmermann
- Interdisciplinary Master's programme in Cognitive Science (MEi:CogSci)
Office Hours
For urgent matters please make an appointment.
Contact informationRoom number: B 0311
NIG, 3rd floor, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstr. 7
Tel: +43-1-4277-46189E-Mail:
Philosophy and Economics
Boris Staykov, BA
Room: B 0307
NIG, 3. Stock, 1010 Wien, Universitätsstr. 7E-Mail: