Types of Courses
The Department of Philosophy offers a variety of different courses.
Differentiation of course types is based on the assessment criteria. The two basic types are:
- Courses with non-continuous assessment, and
- Courses with continuous assessment
Although recommended, 1) courses with non-continuous assessment (German: “nicht prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen”, abbreviated “n-pi LVen”. also: "n-pi courses") commonly don’t require attendance and feature one examination about the entire course content. These courses are – if not explicitly stated otherwise – usually not limited regarding the number of attending students.
An example of this course type is the lecture (German: “Vorlesung”, abbreviated “VO”).
Students need to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform of the corresponding n-pi course. The examination requires an extra registration via u:find/u:space.
2) Courses with continuous assessment (German: “prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen”, abbreviated “pi LVen” or "pi courses") feature compulsory attendance and a partial performance mode, i.e. partial assessments amounting to a final grade. Grading is based on at least two assessments (e.g. an examination and a presentation, or a presentation and a report or paper, etc.). Generally, these courses require registration via u:space, and the number of participants is limited (e.g. to 25 students).
The seminar (German: “Seminar”, abbreviated “SE”) is among the most common courses of this type.
Information on legal matters and study law in regard to examinations can be found in the University Statutes (currently available in German only).
Course type "n-pi"
“STEOP” is short for the German term “Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase”, which translates to “introductory and orientation period”. Strictly speaking, the STEOP is not a type of course, and denotes the very first introductory module within a (bachelor’s) degree programme. The STEOP usually consists of several courses and provides students with the necessary basics (e.g. regarding paradigms, theories, concepts, etc.) needed for their further studies.
Depending on the type of course, STEOP-courses may require registration via u:find/u:space. If the STEOP consists of courses with non-continuous assessment, like lectures, you have to sign up via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses, as well as how to register for pi courses, can be found in the section "Registration System"Successful completion of the STEOP is required before attending any other courses within the corresponding degree programme.
“EV-L” is short for the German term “Einführungsvorlesung mit zusätzlicher Lektüre”, which translates to “introductory lecture with additional reading/literature”.
This type of course is very similar to the “VO-L”. It is a lecture, thus, no attendance is required. However, the exam is not only about contents presented in the lecture, but also includes additional reading/literature, which is provided for self-study.
An “EV-L” gives an introduction to a certain field of study, e.g. to philosophy.
The EV-L is part of the STEOP in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Philosophy.You have to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses can be found in the section "Registration System".
“VO” is the abbreviation of the German word “Vorlesung” and means “lecture”.
Lectures do not feature compulsory attendance.
Lectures can be completed by taking the lecture exam; a written or oral exam about the content presented in the lecture. A minimum of three examination dates must be offered. These commonly are at the end of the semester in which the lecture takes place, as well as in the beginning, mid, and end of the subsequent semester. Please note that taking the exam does require registration via u:find/u:space. Only students who registered for the exam via u:find/u:space can acquire a grade.
You have to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses can be found in the section "Registration System".
A “VO-L” is a lecture with additional compulsory reading/literature (German: “Vorlesung mit zusätzlicher Lektüre”)
A VO-L is identical to the course type “VO” (German: “Vorlesung”, English: “lecture”), with the only difference being that the exam is not only about contents presented in the lecture, but also includes additional reading/literature for self-study.
You have to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses can be found in the section "Registration System".
“GV” is the German abbreviation of “Grundlagenvorlesung”, meaning “foundations lecture” or “basic lecture”. This type of course focusses on teaching study-relevant basics and provides pivotal (theoretical, methodological, etc.) foundations for further studies.
Similar to regular lectures, a minimum of three examination dates has to be offered. Exams typically take place at the end of the semester the GV is taught, as well as in the beginning, mid, and/or at the end of the subsequent semester.
You have to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses can be found in the section "Registration System".
The abbreviation "VO-GKL" is short for the German term “Vorlesung Grundkurs Logik”, which best translates to “lecture – foundations/basics class in logics” or "lecture – fundamentals of logic".
The VO-GKL introduces students to the basics of philosophical logic. It serves as a foundation for further studies and philosophical research. Being a lecture, attendance is not compulsory, but advised. The lecture features an (oral or written) exam about the contents presented in the lecture. A minimum of three examination dates must be offered. These commonly are at the end of the semester in which the lecture takes place, as well as in the beginning, mid, and/or end of the subsequent semester.
This course should be attended in combination with the “UE-GKL” (German: “Übung Grundkurs Logik”, English: “exercise – foundations/basics class in logics”), as the exercises complement the lecture.
You have to sign up for n-pi courses via u:find to gain access to the Moodle e-learning platform. Detailed information on signing up for n-pi courses can be found in the section "Registration System".
Course type "pi"
“VU” means “Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung” in German, which best translates to “lecture with exercises”.
This type of course combines elements from courses with both continuous and non-continuous assessment. Lecture units feature integrated and complementing exercises. Assessment is not based on a single examination, but on multiple exercise performances, i.e. partial assessments amounting to a final grade.
The VU is meant to further students’ theoretical and methodological skills and understanding, and features high amounts of self-study and (scientific) work, e.g. including scientific reporting or presentations.
These courses require registration via u:space and attendance is compulsory, but they are not limited in regard to the number of participants.
Specifics concerning the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find. -
“PS” stands for “Proseminar” in German, which means “introductory seminar” in English.
PS provide students with the foundational basics regarding a specific philosophical research area or phenomenon through autonomous self-study. This course type introduces students to scientific literature and the typical (scientific) ways of thinking and working in the corresponding field of interest.Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“LPS” is the abbreviated form of the German term “Lektüreproseminar”, which best translates to “introductory seminar with additional compulsory reading/literature”. This course type is similar to the “PS”, but features higher amounts of reading/literature provided for self-study.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“SE” is short for the German term “Seminar”, which means “seminar” in English.
This course type aims to deepen students’ theoretical and methodological understanding and to further their methodological skills and competencies. Learning takes place in an autonomous fashion, promoting self-study. Seminars commonly focus on practical aspects of scientific research, including practical (research) work.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“KU” is an abbreviation and means “Kurs” in German, which best translates to "practical class" or "class". KU-courses are meant to further students’ theoretical and methodological skills and competencies in the advanced phases of their studies. Classes commonly focus on practical aspects of scientific research and work. Learning takes place in an autonomous and self-study fashion, including practical (research) work.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“IK” is short for the German term “integrierter Kurs” and best translates to “integrated class”. This type of course features elements from both courses with and without continuous assessment. Therefore IK often have the character of a workshop.
The assessment of a course usually takes place with complete completion, i.e. with completion of the course. Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“UE” is short for “Übung” or “Uebung” in German and translates to “exercise”.
At the department of philosophy, this course type represents an introductory course aiming to teach specific contents relevant to the study of philosophy through practical exercises and self-study.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“UE-GKL” is the abbreviated spelling of the German term “Übung Grundkurs Logik”, which best translates to “exercise – foundations/basics class in logics” or "exercise – fundamentals of logic".
This course is an introductory class to philosophical logic featuring practical exercises and self-study. This exercise is meant to complement the lecture “VO-GKL” and co-attendance of this course is recommended.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“FS” is an abbreviation and means “Forschungsseminar” in German, which best translates to “research seminar”. This course type is research-based and promotes scientific research and practical work in an autonomous self-study manner.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.
“SE-MA” is short for the German term “Seminar – Master- und DissertantInnen”, which best translates to “seminar for master’s students and doctoral candidates”. Such seminars are meant for students who are working on their (master’s or doctoral/PhD) thesis. SE-MA courses assist students in developing and working on their thesis by discussing and presenting key concepts, theories, methodologies, or (preliminary) results of their (master’s or doctoral/PhD) thesis.
Specifics regarding the assessment criteria are to be communicated by the course instructor prior to the course and can be found in the course description on u:find.