Schedule of Courses

Schedule of courses for winter semester 2024/25 (semester 1 & 3) and summer semester 2024 (semester 2 & 4). Scroll down to your current semester to find the relevant courses.

Course registration

Course registration at the University of Vienna

You need to register for courses with continuous assessment (e.g., seminars, pro-seminars, excercises, colloquia, etc. where attendance is mandatory) at the University of Vienna.
Registration for lectures ("VO") is recommended, as you can only access materials on moodle when you are registered. Please be aware: You additionally have to register for the lecture exam(s)! Registration for lecture exams opens 14 days before the exam date.

Use u:find to find courses and course information (including information on registration) and to register.

Notice: Different departments/courses have different registration periods!

Find detailed information about the course and examination registration system at the Academic and Organisational Matters page and Teaching Affairs and Student Services pages.


Course registration at the Medical University of Vienna

You need to register for all courses (including lectures) at the Medical University of Vienna. Co-Registration is a prerequisite for registration (Please send the required form together with your Studienblatt to, so we can approve your course choice). To find/select courses and register for courses at the Medical University of Vienna use Med.Campus.

For planning your semester (especially introductory meetings and exams), please bear in mind that the academic calendar of the Medical University is usually slightly different from the University of Vienna academic year.


Semester 1 (Winter / 1st Year / Introductory Phase)

Introduction Meeting

The welcome & introduction meeting for the MEi:CogSci programme will take place on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 13:00, in the lecture room HS 2i (NIG, Universitätstrasse 7, 2nd floor). We will start with an introduction to the MEi:CogSci programme, then have some team building activities and afterwards time for individual consultation and mentoring. Please be aware that participation in this meeting is obligatory.

The schedule for the 1st semester will be presented on TUESDAY, October 1, 2024 at 9:00, in the lecture room HS 2i (NIG, Universitätstrasse 7, 2nd floor).

Integrative Kernel

B-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science I
B-M-CS Into Research I

The program of the Cognitive Science Lecture Series will soon be available on our website.


Basic Disciplinary Modules

Module requirements/admission restrictions

Please get informed about module requirements/admission restrictions. Download the "MEi:CogSci Vienna Curriculum Information" document on the curriculum page.

Important note

Courses from the Medical University of Vienna need to be recognised at the University of Vienna for the MEi:CogSci curriculum. See the FAQ page for details about recognition of courses.

Basic Methods Modules

Advanced Disciplinary or Methods Modules

For advanced modules you can either draw on suggested courses for the third semester, or you can choose courses at the University of Vienna or Medical University of Vienna (in special cases it is even possible to choose courses from other universities). Please always contact the programme coordinators for confirmation of your chosen advanced modules.

A-D-NEU (or A-M-NEU)
A-D-PHI (or A-M-PHI)


Important Note

Courses for advanced disciplinary or tools modules need to be approved by the study programme director. Please send your proposal for advanced modules (links to the courses in the course directory and the module name(s)) to the programme coordinators (

If you decide to take third semester courses, please contact the programme coordinators ( about possible advanced module assignments. The assignments need to be approved by the study programme director.

Semester 2 (Summer / 1st Year / Introductory Phase)

Information Meeting

On Monday, 3 March 2025, 11:00-13:00 the general preparation meeting will take place in lecture hall HS 2i, 2nd floor, NIG (Neues Institutsgebäude), Universitätsstraße 7, Vienna 1010.

Most of the courses of the second semester will shortly be introduced and discussed in relation to the modules of the curriculum, as well as the upcoming steps in the mobility application process.

Integrative Kernel

A-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science II

The obligatory part of the A-I-CS module is the SE "Introduction to Cognitive Science II".

To complete the A-I-CS module you need to do one of the following three "Topic Seminars" in addition:

A-M-CS Into Research II

This module A-M-CS Into Research II (10 ECTS) consist of the IR II-project (6-8 ECTS) and obligatory participation in the "MEi:CogSci Student Conference Seminar" (2 ECTS). The projects must be specified in the learning contract (additional methods courses should also be specified in the LC). If the project is less than 8 ECTS, the remaining ECTS can be accomplished with a method course related to the project topic or a summer school (to be approved by the SPL).

You can find a list of offered projects at the topf of our Downloads page.

It is not required that you work on a project in this list. If you find a supervisor who would like to work with you on your topic of interest this is also possible. It is up to you to find a supervisor who supports you.

In the learning contract you have to specify - in consultation with your supervisor - the details of your project (project phases - e.g. literature research, formulating a hypothesis, data collection, analysis & interpretation - , hours, deliverables,...). It will serve as a contract between you and your supervisor, ensuring that you acquire the learning outcomes of the module, as well as the certificate for the grade.

Three types of learning contracts are available for "Into Research II" project work. ZIP packages include the learning contract in various file formats (MS Office, Libre/Open Office) and an information file as PDF. Download the learning contract for the type of your project from our Downloads page.

Deadlines for Learning Contracts

  • Initial deadline: 31 March (check for formal compliance)
  • Final deadline: 31 August (near-term recognition of grade)

The presentation of the project during the MEi:CogSci Conference is part of the "MEi:CogSci Student Conference Seminar".

MEi:CogSci Conference: Deadlines for Peer-Review Process

The MEi:CogSci Conference 2025 will take place on June 12-14 (Thursday-Saturday) in Ljubljana.

Please be aware of the deadlines for the MEi:CogSci Conference peer-review process:

  • 01 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Deadline for Author's Registration
    In order to be able to submit your abstract you need to register as an author until May 01.
  • 10 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Abstracts
    You are requested to submit an abstract (1 page).
  • 15 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Receive Abstracts for Review
    The abstracts will be redistributed for the review process.
    You will receive two abstracts you have to review.
    Each abstract will therefore be reviewed by two peer students, as well as by one person from the conference organizing team (or supervisor).
  • 21 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Review 1 and Review 2
  • 24 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Receive Reviews of Abstract
    Based on the reviews you can update your abstract.
  • 31 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Final Abstracts
    Please edit your abstract according to your reviewers' requests and suggestions and submit it again.

Basic Disciplinary Modules

Basic Methods Modules

Advanced Disciplinary or Methods Modules

For advanced modules you can either draw on topic-seminar courses, or you can choose courses at the University of Vienna or Medical University of Vienna. (In special cases it is even possible to choose courses from other universities. Contact the programme coordinators.)


Important Note

Courses for advanced disciplinary or tools modules need to be approved by the study programme director. Please send your proposal for advanced modules (links to the courses in the course directory) to the programme coordinators (

Semester 3 (Winter / 2nd Year / Phenomenon Oriented Phase / Mobility Semester)

Information Meeting

On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 13:30 we welcome incoming students from our partner universities at the information meeting in HS 2i, NIG (=New Institute Building, Univeristätsstraße 7/2nd floor, 1010 Wien). We will provide information on the courses of the 3rd semester of the MEi:CogSci programme and answer your questions.

Integrative Kernel

Special Topic of Interest

S-I(-PJ) Special Topic of Interest

Three types of learning contracts are available for the mobility semester. Learning contracts depends on the type of project work MEi:CogSci students are doing. ZIP packages include the learning contract in various file formats (MS Office, Libre/Open Office) and an information file as PDF. You can download the documents from our Downloads section ("Learning Contracts for the Mobility Semester").

See "Further specification" of section "3.2.3 Integrative modules" of the  MEi:CogSci Vienna Curriculum Information document for details about the ECTS distributions for the mobility semester learning contract.

For information on these modules and further possibilities of specialisation, please have a look at "List of Projects for Specialisation at the University of Vienna" or contact

S-I(-PJ) Example Module: Models of Personality and Emotions 10 ECTS
S-I Example Module:  Happiness 5 ECTS (+ 2 ECTS lecture)
S-I Example Module: Interdisciplinarity (5 ECTS)

Important note

The Learning Contract as well as courses from the Medical University of Vienna need to be recognised at the University of Vienna for the MEi:CogSci curriculum. See the FAQ page for details about recognising courses.

Elective Module

Use u:find and Med.Campus to find courses for the W-D-C Elective module (in case you would like to take this module).

Semester 4 (Summer / 2nd year / Phenomenon Oriented Phase / Master Thesis)

Information Meeting

On Monday, 3 March 2025, 09:00 the general preparation meeting for the fourth semester takes place in HS2i, NIG, 2nd floor.

Integrative Kernel

S-I-CSM Master Thesis Seminar Module (5 ECTS)

When you defend your thesis, you will receive the remaining 2 ECTS.

Please find the master's thesis concept template on our Downloads page. The ZIP package includes the master's thesis concept template in various file formats (MS Office, Libre/Open Office) and an information file as PDF.

Also check out the information on our Graduation and Master's Thesis website.

MEi:CogSci Conference: Deadlines for Peer-Review Process

The MEi:CogSci Conference 2025 will take place on June 12-14 (Thursday-Saturday) in Ljubljana.

Please be aware of the deadlines for the MEi:CogSci Conference peer-review process:

  • 01 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Deadline for Author's Registration
    In order to be able to submit your abstract you need to register as an author until May 01.
  • 10 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Abstracts
    You are requested to submit an abstract (1 page).
  • 15 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Receive Abstracts for Review
    The abstracts will be redistributed for the review process.
    You will receive two abstracts you have to review.
    Each abstract will therefore be reviewed by two peer students, as well as by one person from the conference organizing team (or supervisor).
  • 21 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Review 1 and Review 2
  • 24 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Receive Reviews of Abstract
    Based on the reviews you can update your abstract.
  • 31 May 2025 23:59 CEST: Submission of Final Abstracts
    Please edit your abstract according to your reviewers' requests and suggestions and submit it again.