Preparing the Mobility Semester

In the beginning of September, we send you a reminder via email to inform you about your learning contract and the most important information for the semester start.


Start Thinking About Your Learning Contract and the Courses You Would Like to Take

  • Get informed about the schedule of courses for your mobility semester (semester 3).
  • Find a supervisor/project for you mobility semester -- either from the List of Projects for Specialisation at the University of Vienna (see Downloads) or by browsing the faculties at the University of Vienna. (You can also try to find a supervisor who works in the topic area of your interest. It is not required that you work on a project from the list of projects.)


Keep in Mind to Co-register at the Medical University of Vienna

The international office at the University of Vienna takes care of enrolling you at the University of Vienna. (See information for incoming Erasmus+ students.)

However, you need to do co-registration at the Medical University of Vienna by yourself! (Please send the form "application for co-registration" together with your study record sheet from the University of Vienna to MEi:CogSci coordinators will approve it and send it to the Studienabteilung of the MedUni directly.)

You can download your "Studienbuchblatt"/"Student Record Sheet" from u:space.

Please do so as soon as possible (co-registration is possible until end of October, but you should do it before the start of the semester). Only afterwards you will be able to register for courses (e.g. Models of Personality and Emotions, etc.) at the Medical University of Vienna.


Get Informed About Your Erasmus+ Stay at the University of Vienna

  • Browse the Erasmus+ at the University of Vienna webpage of the international office.
  • For the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement, please enter Prof. Markus Peschl as coordinator. (for  questions, please contact Elisabeth Zimmermann:
  • You can fill out the Erasmus+ LA on the level of modules (check out the module names at your home and host university), if you don't know the exact courses, when you fill out the LA the first time. You can rework it during mobility. Upload the LA in mobilityonline until the beginning of September latest.


Get Informed About the Basic Services and the Academic Year at the Medical University of Vienna


Download the Learning Contract for the Mobility Semester

You can download the respective (theoretical, empirical or modelling) Learning Contract from the Downloads section of our webiste.


Starting the Mobility Semester

We start the mobility semester with an information meeting. We introduce the courses and (some of the) course instructors will give you an overview of the courses they offer.

In addition, the information meeting is the event where you can ask all the questions you are concerned with. We address typical issues, like filling out the learning contract, finding a supervisor/project, available courses, problems during project work, etc. Please use this opportunity to ask your questions!

Moreover, get informed about organising your studies at the University of Vienna.

The Welcome Guide also provides general information on studying at the University of Vienna.

Information Meeting

Find the details about the information meeting on our Schedule of courses website.


Please only use your University of Vienna affiliated email address (= u:account)!

We may reply only to e-mails sent from your u:account e-mail address (e.g. If you did not contact us via your u:account, please re-send your e-mail using your u:account address.

Deadline for the Initial Learning Contract

The deadline for your initial learning contract is 31 October.

Send your mobility semester learning contract via email to the programme coordinators of (1) the University of Vienna, and CC to (2) your home university and (3) your project supervisor(s).

You will get feedback whether the learning contract is formally approved or requires revision.

Optional: Extending the Mobility Semester

You have to extend your Erasmus+ mobility semester in case you would like to do your master's thesis in Vienna. Get informed about the required procedure and deadlines for Erasmus+ extensions.

Finishing the Mobility Semester

Final Deadline for the Learning Contracts

Deadline for handing in the graded, signed and stamped learning contract (+ transcripts from MedUni) is 31 March. Your status as student at University of Vienna will expire end of March and all grades have to be issued before that date!

Please note that Erasmus+ deadlines at your home university might differ. Inform yourself about Erasmus+ regulations at your local Erasmus+ office.

Bring the (1) original, graded, signed, and stamped mobility learning contract and (2) all non-University of Vienna transcripts (e.g. the transcript from the Medical University of Vienna if you did courses there) to the programme coordinators.

Notice: The University of Vienna accepts a digital version/scan of the signed and stamped learning contract, if your project supervisor sends it directly from their university affiliated email address to Only PDF files are accepted!

Your mobility learning contract will be signed and stamped by the programme coordinators. In addition, your project grade(s) will be tranferred to the transcript of records. You can then print out a complete transcript for your mobility semester at the University of Vienna for your home university. You need both of these documents to recognise the modules of the mobility semester at your home university.

In case you have extended your mobility semester the deadline can be postponed (in case your supervisor agrees). In this case contact the programme coordinators by end of January.

In Case You Face Issues

If you face any issues, please make sure to contact the programme coordinators as soon as possible! Please note that after you missed the deadlines (e.g. for the learning contract) we can unfortunately no longer be of assistance due to organisational/legal reasons.